Friday, 23 March 2012

Career Pathway: Explored 1

We have been set a task to explore our career pathways...

"One assumed that this would be fairly straight forward as one is of the idea that one knows exactly where one would like to progress career wise."

on starting this course, I felt that I was absolutely sure of my career goals, however, my sights were mainly set on where I wanted to be and not really focused on how I wanted to get there.

It is at this point that I realised there were gaps in my understanding of the Graphic Design industry and how my skills would apply.

So, in order to make progress, I identified areas of design that I was interested in as shown below:
  • Product design: In the future I would like to create my own products e.g. design cards, fridge magnets, love notes, inspirational messages to start with and then eventually, house hold materials etc...
  • Creating logos, literature, packaging and stationery design
  • Organising and managing events: buying decorations and planing events, putting together of all promotional materials
  • Using design software to create variety of different designs: the possibilities are endless
  • Creating templates and layouts: However, having said that, I don't really enjoy proof reading articles for magazines especially because the last magazine I designed had articles from people for whom english was not a first language and editing each article took so much time away from the actual design work.
  • Web design from templates
  • Entrepreneur: would like to own my own business